You know, if I had a dime for every time someone asked me, "Isabel, what supplements should I take? "I swear I'd be rich (and lying on a beach in Bermuda right now ... or the Bahamas ... I'm not picky.)
People are so confused and sometimes a little too attached to these supplements. Many times, they lack an overview.
It really makes no sense to overload your body with a bunch of pills if you do not follow the basic principles of healthy living. You better focus your efforts on controlling your schedule and your diet food exercises before you worry about what supplements do anything or which would give you a "power boost" for everything ... right?
That said, I agree that there are some additional things we can do that add a great advantage indeed any planning meals (and some even help burn fat ... good news is that not?).
That's why I decided to dedicate the next newsletters to the fact to answer most of your pressing questions about a handful of the most common supplements on the market (some good, some bad).
Most of you already know that I am a big fan and a big fan of taking supplements of fish oil every day. The benefits of fish oil of high quality are infinite (as I mentioned in Chapter FATS manual the Diet Solution) and this should really be part of the schedule of each nutrition ... women, men, children ... everyone.
I also think that we can benefit greatly from adequate intake of antioxidants every day. And if you do not get food, you will need supplements for these too. Just in case you missed it, I explain the benefits and power of antioxidants as food magic here.
Again, I agree with taking some food compliments as part of a more complete diet if you want. This does not mean you need to put more emphasis on taking these capsules in contrast to healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants, for example. What I mean is that do not limit yourself to take two tablets of food supplements rich in antioxidants instead of taking a cup of blueberries, for example.
Regarding dietary supplements, there are some who are very well taken daily while others are more a question of marketing.
Dietary supplements of fish oil have been known for some years but again, the keyword of Isabel De Los Rios in regard to the purchase multivitamins or food supplements, it is of high quality . There are many supplements of fish oil but quality, there are not that much. These supplements of fish oil for example can:
you need to write in essential fatty acids like omega (our body does not synthesize by itself)
balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 because we consume too much omega-6
very popular for people who dislike or are allergic to fish
its oils are safe for health because they allow the reduction of bad cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
contributes to reduced risk of depression, ADHD, ADD, schizophrenia, etc..
To be certain that food supplements are healthy for you, I strongly suggest you check this page about multivitamins, which gives you some tips to make sure (e) that this product is high quality and thereby that you get all the benefits.
People are so confused and sometimes a little too attached to these supplements. Many times, they lack an overview.
It really makes no sense to overload your body with a bunch of pills if you do not follow the basic principles of healthy living. You better focus your efforts on controlling your schedule and your diet food exercises before you worry about what supplements do anything or which would give you a "power boost" for everything ... right?
That said, I agree that there are some additional things we can do that add a great advantage indeed any planning meals (and some even help burn fat ... good news is that not?).
That's why I decided to dedicate the next newsletters to the fact to answer most of your pressing questions about a handful of the most common supplements on the market (some good, some bad).
Most of you already know that I am a big fan and a big fan of taking supplements of fish oil every day. The benefits of fish oil of high quality are infinite (as I mentioned in Chapter FATS manual the Diet Solution) and this should really be part of the schedule of each nutrition ... women, men, children ... everyone.
I also think that we can benefit greatly from adequate intake of antioxidants every day. And if you do not get food, you will need supplements for these too. Just in case you missed it, I explain the benefits and power of antioxidants as food magic here.
Again, I agree with taking some food compliments as part of a more complete diet if you want. This does not mean you need to put more emphasis on taking these capsules in contrast to healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants, for example. What I mean is that do not limit yourself to take two tablets of food supplements rich in antioxidants instead of taking a cup of blueberries, for example.
Regarding dietary supplements, there are some who are very well taken daily while others are more a question of marketing.
Dietary supplements of fish oil have been known for some years but again, the keyword of Isabel De Los Rios in regard to the purchase multivitamins or food supplements, it is of high quality . There are many supplements of fish oil but quality, there are not that much. These supplements of fish oil for example can:
you need to write in essential fatty acids like omega (our body does not synthesize by itself)
balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 because we consume too much omega-6
very popular for people who dislike or are allergic to fish
its oils are safe for health because they allow the reduction of bad cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
contributes to reduced risk of depression, ADHD, ADD, schizophrenia, etc..
To be certain that food supplements are healthy for you, I strongly suggest you check this page about multivitamins, which gives you some tips to make sure (e) that this product is high quality and thereby that you get all the benefits.
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