jeudi 17 mai 2012

Milk Is Really Healthy or Bad for Health?

Milk is really necessary in a program of effective weight loss? Should we drink our milk every day to get enough calcium?

The answer to both questions is NO. We do not need to drink milk to keep our program healthy weight loss or to get a healthy amount of calcium each day.

Consider the following facts:

Americans drink more milk than any other country, yet we still have the highest rates of osteoporosis.
Pasteurization kills all the necessary digestive enzymes in the milk (This is why many people now suffer from lactose intolerance).
Pasteurization also makes much of the calcium contained in milk insoluble, in other words by making 50% of the calcium in milk unusable by the body (This contributes to high rates of osteoporosis).
The sugar found in milk (lactose) is converted into a sugar your body uses quickly, leading to a blood glucose ranging from high to low and a round coaster energy up and down for you.

How can this be true? The milk is not supposed to be good for the body? Well, yes he is but he was expected to consume milk in its natural (unpasteurized). This sounds scary? Many states in the U.S. and most of the organic farmers would drink milk ONLY if it is unpasteurized and they are extremely healthy.

The other fact that we need to consider is that it is given to most cows excess growth hormones just to continue to produce huge quantities of milk. This makes them sick, one by one, and this time they are given antibiotics. Growth hormone and antibiotics reach their bloodstream and then the milk they produce. Who drinks the milk full of chemicals? We! (Actually, I do not drink and maybe you start thinking about doing the same).

The biggest concern is the following: "How will I get enough calcium? ". As mentioned above, most of the calcium in milk is not absorbed by the body. There is more calcium that is absorbed by foods such as leafy greens, broccoli, sardines (with bones preferably) and salmon. It seems logical that more calcium greens come since cows eat grass and preferably have a lot of calcium in their bodies (Please do not eat grass. It does not really work for cows).

If reducing your risk of Osteoporosis is your goal, made the No. 1 activity that prevents this debilitating disease: exercise! It has been shown that strength training is the No. 1 way to prevent osteoporosis. Make small efforts on your bones through a strength-training workout helps to rebuild them more solid. Person, and I mean, one should not neglect physical exercise in his life.

Here are some tips on the use of the right type of milk, the calcium and prevention of osteoporosis:

If you consume dairy products regularly, try to find raw milk (unpasteurized).
If the idea of ​​raw milk scare you, buy the second best choice: The certified organic dairy products. They will no antibiotics and no hormones.
Since most of the calcium in milk is not absorbed by the body, make sure you get your calcium from other sources: green leafy vegetables, broccoli, sardines (with bones) and salmon.
Commit to a strength-training workout on a regular basis. Not just for your muscles and how you appear in the mirror (although it helps) but for the sake of your bones.

Milk and dairy products should not be a staple in your diet to absorb adequate amounts of calcium and a level of wellness. You can make a very healthy way of eating, achieve your weight loss and you feel really good every day without drinking milk.
e agree with him that Isabel De Los Rios on several aspects, including the causes of osteoporosis that is not the first poor nutrition in calcium (and vitamin D which helps calcium absorption) but a sedentary lifestyle that predisposes to bone loss. We say that Americans are the largest consumers of milk but also the people say the most sedentary and predisposing them to osteoporosis.

As for healthier choices of milk, contrary to what I stated in my article dealing on the truth about whether or not milk was safe for health, I now consume unpasteurized milk, although I would like soon try raw milk and organic milk. Milk from a farm, very fresh milk is really a better taste and texture (plus it does not contain antibiotics and growth hormones) to have personally tasted the farm of a girlfriend. Unfortunately, not everyone who has a farm or an organic dairy industry by the house and that's why the commercial milks are much more popular than before. In the time of our grandparents, milk consumption did not come from this most of the milk on the shelves but rather directly to the farm after milking.

I also concur with this woman on the other foods that may contain a lower amount of calcium than what is found in milk or other dairy products but here, the big difference is that in these foods, the percentage of calcium absorption is higher in contrast to dairy products. For example, 100 g of almonds provides 44 to 61 mg of calcium (which say 90%) while a cup of milk provides 300 mg calcium (30% of which is similar). This is just one example, these are just numbers so that you understand that there are other calcium-rich foods, like Isabel De Los Rios has stated.

However, there are several ways to consume foods and to take calcium from your diet. Regarding milk, I strongly suggest you to consume organic milk, for a health issue and not necessarily calcium.

Remember to do muscle exercises every day or almost because after all, is the leading cause of osteoporosis and a lack or calcium deficiency.

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