jeudi 17 mai 2012

How to Lose Weight After a Cesarean?

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby at home!

The arrival of a child is probably the best thing that can happen in the life of a woman and a man, even if does not express it as we know it well. All women will tell you that their most beautiful moment in life was the arrival of children and if not, what is marriage that usually comes in the background.

You've worked hard (this was not always tell you to take your temperature every morning to ovulation tests and pregnancy and constantly going under the covers to do your homework to be designing this wonderful .

Also, if you are a woman "lucky" apart from the inevitable weight gain during pregnancy, you have not had any nausea, vomiting, backache, joint pain and muscle of insomnia, mood swings and constant number of other ills that pregnant women feel when they are pregnant.

However, you have all, without exception, gained weight during your pregnancy. Of course, the amount of weight gained varies from woman to woman, the "lucky" take less than 10 pounds while others take more than 15 kilos, which is not always easy both physically and mentally.

Even after giving birth to your child, you end up with a more or less swollen belly (as if you are just a few months of pregnancy) and above are overweight. Again, the "lucky" are able to rethread their favorite jeans immediately (within days of hospitalization) while you, the only thing that makes you, what is your maternity clothes or the cover of the hospital .

You thought you were already losing weight even when you were pregnant, you think more and more necessarily come from your little baby. You put so much pressure that you need to lose this weight (few kilos) three weeks before. You are ready to lose that weight costs to cost! Whether it's by eating very little or by smashing you in the gyms, the important thing for now is to lose the damn weight you have now for 9 months!

However, there are factors that come into play to lose weight after pregnancy. You have had a caesarean section or natural childbirth, you must take extra care especially if you are breastfeeding because do not forget that all what you eat goes to (or can get) in your breast milk.

I'm not saying that it is preferable to bottle-feed diet, after all, the welfare of your child should come before yours, which does not prevent you from losing weight while breastfeeding but say that Women who give the bottle are free to eat whatever they want to lose weight while breastfeeding women should not dieting, much less have a restrictive diet just to lose weight because it can bring dangers in building up your milk but also to your newborn.

In short, the tips and tricks that will assist you to lose weight healthily, you are a woman who had a caesarean breastfeeding or bottle feed.

How to Lose Weight After a Cesarean?

I'll tell you the best tips to lose weight for pregnancy to breastfeeding women and for women who do not breastfeed.

Losing weight after pregnancy for women who breastfeed

Diet for breastfeeding women

First, be aware that your nutritional needs are as important as your last trimester of pregnancy. It is normal that you want to find your size before, but if you do not eat enough, it can slow your milk and harm the health of your child as it draws all the nutrients in your breast milk. Remember, it is quite normal that you end up with a few pounds because there are some surperflus weight gain during pregnancy

It is especially important that you have a balanced diet and you eat your fill, and not deprive yourself. It is not recommended to diet while breastfeeding because in addition to harming feeding your baby, breastfeeding requires energy as you give your baby milk, milk rich in energy you lose by giving the breast.

To feed the nursing mother, you must first déprogrammiez you if you want because for 9 months, you had a diet and more importantly you could afford more food cravings regularly without guilty. Now you need to eat only when you are hungry because you're alone in your body now.

Avoid snacks and food cravings, food or meals forget that you love to eat pregnant bous turn more towards fruits and vegetables when you feel hungry between meals, no more sweets and fatty foods.

Meat to eat, eat only lean meats such as poultry without the skin, cuts of lean red meats, eggs, legumes, fish and tofu. You should eat at every meal because meat and alternatives you provide energy, protein and several minerals that are essential in the composition of breast milk and the health of your child. You must eat a serving of protein at every meal, morning, noon and night. This will help prevent or treat a dietary deficiency of iron, something that often happens after childbirth as there was a blood loss greater or lesser extent. Not only meats and alternatives but also contain green leafy vegetables.

Regarding dairy products, you know they are rich in calcium and are important in the composition of breast milk but also for your health. You should also consume at every meal but prefer dairy products that contain less than 2% fat for milk and yogurt and no added sugar but no aspartame provided. Greek yogurt 0% fat, contain no sugar or sweeteners, they are sweetened with fruit and quadrupling are rich in protein as yoghurts slimming, well-known brands. The cheeses must contain less than 20% fat such as mozzarella, ricotta, cottage cheese, etc.. They will give you vitamins, minerals and especially calcium which is important for you and your baby.

Fruits and vegetables are your allies in weight loss. It is important that you wash them thoroughly before preparing or eating them raw, not to overcook them which could partially destroy the nutritional value of them, eat them fresh only (richer in fiber, vitamins , minerals and lower in calories and sugar), they will help you a lot to lose weight. If you feel hunger between meals, eat only fruits and vegetables and do not forget to eat at least 2 servings at every meal and vary the fruits and vegetables eaten as fruit or orange vegetables bring beta-carotene, while green vegetables leaves provide folic acid and iron.
Finally, with respect to grain products must be consumed at every meal because it is the food group that provides you with the most energy in your body and brain. Stop thinking that the 3 P are fattening, eat only grain product that 100% whole grain or whole wheat like breads, pasta and cereals. Potatoes are also included in this food group but please, eat the peel of this fruit contains dietary fiber. This will help give you energy, prevent fatigue, reduce risk of postpartum depression but also to have fishing, provide minerals and vitamins to the milk (and you same), not to feel hungry between meals because they are rich in dietary fiber to promote weight loss and ultimately to prevent or treat constipation, a common problem following childbirth, especially if There was a tear.

It is necessary that you avoid consuming ready-to-consume and transform the food we find in large quantities in supermarkets.

As for fats, choose only the cooking methods that require no or very little fat as cooked on the grill, baked en papillote or steamed. You should limit your fat intake (while continuing to eat) to a maximum per meal c.à.soupe and please, choose the right fats like olive oil, for example, which provide well more benefits such as butter.

Sugary foods (chocolate, candy, cake, etc..) Should be avoided because even if you think they will give you energy, it is just the opposite occurs. Your blood sugar rises significantly (rapid increase of energy) but eventually, your blood sugar and energy at the same time diminish drastically. In addition, high-sugar foods are high in calories so not very good for weight loss.

Another essential element in the process of weight loss for breastfeeding women and even for women who did not, is do not skip meals, the worst thing after plans you could do as you will find the curves that you had in doing these things. Skipping meals is not good for your health and weight, it may be dangerous for your baby. It should overwhelming that you consume 3 meals a day and snacks as needed.

To lose weight while breastfeeding, the magic key to achieving lose about 2 pounds per month would be to make regular physical activity for at least 35-40 minutes and every day. This will not harm the baby's health, for example you can walk to lose weight quickly while being with your child, it will exit the house, to reconnect with your social life by walking with your girlfriends, you relax, increase your energy and many other benefits.For physical activity in general, it is important that you go slowly, do not fall immediately to the plan one week after giving birth, in the first few weeks, do some walking, weight training, building or Fitness. You must consult your doctor before, especially if you experienced delivery complications or surgery eg, cesarean section because there we have the presence of a wound that is usually accompanied by pain. This is even more important here to see your doctor to find out when it is possible to start exercising.

It would be nice to do physical activity for cardiovascular and muscle burn more fat, this applies both to women who breastfeed than women who do not breastfeed, like to do 15 minutes of jogging and 15 minutes of muscular exercise or 15 minutes of swimming and 15 minutes of yoga.

The key is to practice 5-6 times a day for more than 35 consecutive minutes. We must not forget that for at least 6 months of your pregnancy, you were pretty sedentary. It would be important to go slowly in order not to rush your body. Remember to seek the advice of your doctor before playing sports because some complications such as caesarean, a tear, gestational diabetes, etc.. can interfere with physical activity.

Weight loss

It is often said that women who breastfeed lose weight faster than women who give the bottle. This is especially true because while breastfeeding increases fat storage, energy expenditure of this woman is more important, short breast-feeding women spend more calories than women who do not breastfeed. In addition, when you stop breastfeeding after a few weeks to several months, your body finds it easier to remove fat reserves, which makes you lose weight more easily and quickly. On top of that, breastfeeding is very beneficial for your child because this milk is more natural and nutritious than formula milk and it allows you to reduce the risk of breast cancer in particular. That said, I know very well that breastfeeding remains a personal choice you need to do quickly enough because the health professionals are fast enough in the baby after delivery.

Women who do not breastfeed

As I've mentioned, women who do not breastfeed have more freedom in their food choices, weight loss or in their physical activities but they also should consult their doctor to get their OK for them begin any training.


The power of women who do not breastfeed is very similar to a nursing mother, even if you do not breastfeed, your calcium, vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals and protein is important.

You still have to eat here three meals a day and avoid skipping, even if you are not breastfeeding, you need a constant supply of energy, something that is rare after the arrival of a little child.

Eat 5-6 servings of grains of 100% whole grains that are rich in fiber help you to not feel hungry between meals, have more energy and constantly promote intestinal transit as well as elimination of water retention. Avoid dishes rich in fat or sugar such as commercial sauces, cheeses, processed meats, sausages, butter, sour cream, etc..

As for fruits and vegetables, it is the same as the nursing mother, you need to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables only 5-7 servings per day, for cooking, avoid cooking that require body fat and if you are hungry between meals, jump at the chance to eat.

As for meat to eat, eat only lean meats such as poultry without the skin, cuts of lean red meats, eggs, legumes, fish and tofu. You should eat at every meal because meat and alternatives you provide energy, protein and several minerals that are essential in the composition of breast milk and the health of your child. You must eat a serving of protein at every meal, morning, noon and night. This will help prevent or treat a dietary deficiency of iron, something that often happens after childbirth as there was a blood loss greater or lesser extent. Not only meats and alternatives but also contain green leafy vegetables.

Regarding dairy products, you know they are rich in calcium and are important in the composition of breast milk but also for your health. You should also consume at every meal but prefer dairy products that contain less than 2% fat for milk and yogurt and no added sugar but no aspartame provided. Greek yogurt 0% fat, contain no sugar or sweeteners, they are sweetened with fruit and quadrupling are rich in protein as yoghurts slimming, well-known brands. The cheeses must contain less than 20% fat such as mozzarella, ricotta, cottage cheese, etc.. They will give you vitamins, minerals and especially calcium which is important for you and your baby.

Sugary foods high in fat or are banned from your diet because you want to regain your slim waist. I know it is good to eat potato chips while watching a movie friends instead, prefer plain popcorn, a very good snack low in calories, fat and sodium. When you have a craving for sweets, eat fresh fruit or raisins and you have frozen when you have a craving for salty, eat a handful of popcorn, for example.


This is the same as for the nursing mother then you have to do is see above to review all the information to lose weight after giving birth while playing sports. Occasionally, some women have complications during pregnancy, which could ensure that they are restricted in physical activity after childbirth, ask your doctor if it suits you.

Realistic goals

It is important to set realistic goals, but it depends on the amount of weight that you took and you have to lose after giving birth. Normally this would take between 8 and maximum of 1 year for not only find your size, but also your weight. It is quite normal for your stomach remains swollen and round as if you had six months after giving birth because your pelvis has expanded to facilitate the passage of the baby and your uterus has taken the volume so do not worry, it takes usually 5-6 months for your stomach again become "normal."

A realistic goal in order to lose weight after childbirth, knowing that your time schedule is very busy now, you never stop and you are exhausted at the end of your day, would be 2 pounds per week, which is a beautiful lasting weight loss.

You can turn to diets promising weight loss of 5 pounds in 2 weeks but know that these curves come back to haunt you very quickly because this weight loss is not healthy.

By setting a realistic goal of 2 pounds per month, not only will you reach them easily and increase your motivation, but you will be sure that weight loss will not be in vain because you do not resume their lost weight since you 'get lost healthily.

Unfortunately today, patience is not a common quality, as we fervently hope something, we want it now, right away without having to wait and putting minimal effort. This is why we need you to understand that you will never lose 5 pounds in one week for retrouvévotre figure before returning home or at work, it is impossible and very unhealthy for you and your child.

How to Increase Motivation to Lose Weight?

Fortunately for you, there are many courses of physical activities performed by a health professional who mainly target pregnant women and / or new moms. Whether walking, jogging, cycling or dancing, these physical activities you can not only promote weight loss faster, but also enjoy time with your child. Being with many other women who are in the same situation as you, it is not difficult at all to have a motivation of thunder, but also make you many friends.

Check with your municipality to know the sports groups for pregnant women or new mothers, it is certain that there are near you.

My Personal Opinion

I know you want to put on your jeans before as soon as possible, by cons, we must be realistic and say that it might take a little longer. Do not you fall in very restrictive diets to lose weight more quickly, especially if you are breastfeeding, because in addition to not consuming all the nutrients for you and your child, the weight gain is inevitable, because over 90% of people who follow diets resume all lost weight and sometimes more.

It is necessary that your goal is weight loss of 2 kg per month not because more weight loss is rapid, the more likely to take those extra pounds are great. You do not need to apply pressure to lose weight, you will succeed in healthy weight loss by following my advice.

By cons, before starting any diet and physical activity, seek the advice of your doctor.

Remember that even if you make great effort and do not have much time for you, the simple act of eating well and practicing with friends or with the baby will let you take care of you again .

Enjoy the beautiful moments with your child, it would be very proud of you and everything you do for it to have a healthy mother for several more years.

Congratulations to you all!

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