jeudi 17 mai 2012

Disadvantages and Dangers of a High Red Meat Consumption, Reduce Why?

You know several of enter-but we are not yet somewhat modified their diet to adopt a healthier by ceasing to eat red meat. Many times, when I say proudly to my family that I eat red meat once a week and sometimes even a once every 2 weeks by explaining the disadvantages and dangers that it has on our health and our weight, there begins a real friendly debate.

I know that men are particularly affected by this more than women because they are the ones that were mainly long and still regarded as natural carnivores. They answered me by telling me that since the world began, men prehistories to the men of today regularly consume red meat and that his ancestors did not die prematurely because of all that 'they ate red meat, mainly from game and mammoths. It is true that the men had generally good muscle mass and bone mass very good but that does not mean you have to eat excessively.

Indeed, Americans are the biggest consumers of red meat in the world and note that it is also that the higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and a very high rate of obesity.

For these reasons, nutritionists, other experts in fitness and nutrition and other health professionals continue their mission to eat less red meat to the people living in America. Several articles and advertisements aimed at sensitizing the population to adopt a diet rather semi-vegetarian somehow increasing its consumption of legumes, fish at the expense of red meat.

Disadvantages and Dangers of Excessive Consumption of Red Meat

According to the dietary recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide, we should minimize the consumption of red meat in our diet, less than 1 time per week and eating at least 2-3 meals of fish and legumes by weeks, knowing that these alternatives are more healthy for your health. The major problem is that many families and households consume red meat daily during the day, as if this is a good eating habit inked in our lives because since our childhood, we had used.

Surely you've heard about the harmful effects of red meat not only on health but also on the weight of the person who consumes too much, or more than three meals a week and even that many people in consume every day, and worse with every meal!

Rich in Saturated Fat

One of the biggest drawback of red meat is undoubtedly its high (the vast majority of red meat) in saturated fat. Out, you know today that a diet high in saturated fat significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases like angina, myocardial infarction, hypertension, etc. ... because saturated fat increases the bad cholesterol, this which is an important risk factor in causing these diseases. In addition, red meats that are high in saturated fat (bad fat) are also high in calories so promote weight gain. We can therefore conclude that people who use it daily and in large quantities of red meat are usually (not all) in overweight or obese, another important risk factor in causing cardiovascular disease.

Saturated fats are unhealthy fats naturally to human health and the line because they are bad fats. It is considered as a nonessential fatty acid to the health of humans, with very saturated carbon atoms with hydrogen, it is also a lipid (fat) and triglycerides. There are 2 types of saturated fat or unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. Red meats are Class saturated fatty acids.

These fats come mainly from more animals or plant order. Unlike unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fats are solid at room temperature. Since they are considered bad fats, saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, excess weight or obesity and decrease life expectancy when consumed regularly. But even if these fats are not healthy for your health, they are nonetheless essential to human health, but in small quantities, something that many people do not really control.

Unlike monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats tolerate heat very well and very high temperatures and the risks they oxidize are very low, hence the widespread use of these fats in restaurants and during frying .

Foods high in saturated fat are butter, margarine, hydrogenated fat, shortening, lard, animal fat, cream, sour cream, whipped cream, tallow, coconut oil, palm and palm kernel oil and many processed foods such as cakes, pastries, croissants, muffins, red meats, cheeses, cookies and cakes, frozen dinners, restaurant meals, breaded or fried foods, etc. ...

Rich in Calories

As I have explained earlier, red meats are high in calories because they are high in bad fats mainly. However, fat is the "nutrient" that provides the most calories per gram are 9 calories per 1 gram of fat. So if the meat you eat or the portion on your plate contains 24g of fat, your red meat you bring at least 216 calories just by the fat, that is to say, not counting the calories from other proteins, etc. ...

However, one of the primary reasons why people suffer more from weight problems is because they use overly calories daily, that is to say they have a daily caloric intake significantly higher their actual daily energy needs. By consuming more calories than it was healthy and necessary if the excess energy is not spent, then the body keeps the extra calories for the transformed and stored as fat reserves.

Weight gain

As explained above, red meats are high in calories and if you are a person who give great importance to the meat and you are very active and even sedentary, you will promote weight gain because energy is stored unspent form of fat reserves, which as time, can make you fat.

Furthermore, red meat is high in fat, are high in calories and you will grow if you eat regularly or in large quantities. This is especially true when these red meats are fried or breaded like fried pork blocked.

By taking the weight, you increase thereby the risk of cardiovascular disease such as angina and hypertension.

Decrease in life expectancy

High consumption of red meat increases your bad cholesterol, promote weight gain, increase your calories and fat, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease which inevitably reduces your life expectancy. The leading cause of death (at least in Canada) is the cardiovascular disease being mainly "caused" by a diet too rich in calories, trans fat, saturated fat, physical inactivity, overweight or obese, a high level of bad cholesterol, hypertension, etc ... you see how this is a vicious circle.

Study shows that people who eat 3 1/2 ounces of lean red meats like beef and pork (leaner cuts such as bacon) decreased by 17% the risk of colon cancer as opposed to people who don ' consume it at all. However, people who consume more than 7 ounces of red meat per day (part 2 packages like card games increase the risk of colon cancer by 34% which is not negligible.

Another study showed that people who eat relatively large amount of red meat increased their risk of death "premature" to 33% in contrast to those who consume less than 2 meals of red meat per week. Consuming a lot of red meat is compared to a moderate increase in deaths and that, particularly in women.

People who eat white meat such as poultry or fish here are still experiencing a low incidence of premature death.

What is the Permitted Quantity (Sound) Consumption of Red Meat?

According to the dietary recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide, we should consume at least 2-3 meals of fish and legumes every week, choose lean meats such as poultry (without skin), fish, seafood and eggs. To me and many other health professionals and nutrition, our red meat consumption should be less than two meals a week to allow more room for legumes, poultry, eggs and fish are meat substitutes and very nutritious , rich in good fats (fish), low in saturated fat, high in fiber (legumes) and tasty.

If you are a person who consumes a lot of meat, who loves meat but also your health and your weight are important to you, then it would be more advantageous to prefer meats and lean cuts of meat such as roast pork, pork tenderloin, filet mignon, filet-cons, roast beef, roast beef, etc. ... Also, be sure to remove visible fat from meats before cooking preferably, thereby reducing their calorie intake but also the amount fat and saturated fat they contain.

A serving of meat is the equivalent of 75 g or 125 ml (1/2 cup), the size of a deck of cards or the size of two sticks of lipstick.

If you want to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and colon cancer, it would be important to limit your red meat consumption to 19 grams for women and 25 grams for men daily.Alternatives Health and Nutritious

That said, there are alternatives that I think are much healthier and nutritious than red meat and just as tasty. These alternatives are legumes, fish, seafood, eggs and poultry.


Unfortunately, even today despite the comments and advice of many nutritionists and experts in nutrition, thousands of people do not simply consume legumes apart from baked beans (beans) and the traditional pea soup. Several people were thinking as meat substitute that is only reserved for people who want to lose weight, those who want to seem more likely in some way, vegetarians and people somehow granola However, legumes are consumed rather by people like you and me, who want to reduce their consumption of red meat to be healthier and have an easier time losing weight but also to have a more varied diet and varied diet.

It is not necessary to eat only legumes in soups (pea soup) or cooked (beans with maple syrup for example) but there are so many recipes that you can invent your own design to find new ways to eat legumes regularly. In fact, I highly recommend eating at least 2-3 meals of beans every week, that sounds a lot but in fact is very few. Personally, I love dressing in cold salad with vegetables and fruits in season, add in my spaghetti sauce instead of the traditional ground beef, make balls of "meat" that are very tasty and quick to make , etc..

Legumes have the advantage of being low in fat (less than 3g of fat per serving), to be rich in protein (more than 11g of protein per serving), to be rich in fiber (5g of fiber per serving), to be rich in vitamins and minerals, to be very economical and affordable, long shelf life, to be versatile, to be quick and easy for cooking and baking, etc..

To eat more legumes, necessarily, you must put in great abundance and variety in your cart racing and reduce the purchase of red meat.


Poultry and white meats are usually low in fat if not to eat the skin (where the fat is concentrated in large quantities) and preferably remove the fat before cooking. They are rich in protein, low in fat and saturated fat (if not consumed with the skin), are rich in vitamins and minerals, are versatile, tasty and affordable.

As poultry, do not be forced to settle for turkey or chicken but there are also duck, goose, ostrich, partridge, wild turkey, etc. ....


Although many people still believe that eggs are bad for health because the yolk is rich in cholesterol, they lose a valuable substitute for meat and delicious. It is true that the egg yolk is rich in cholesterol but there are thousands of other foods you may have used to eat every day that contain more like cookies, chips, red meat, butter, margarine, cream, etc.. This is not consuming 7 eggs to complete every week you will end up with a high level of bad cholesterol.

The egg is healthy for health, it is low in calories (70 calories per 1 large egg), contains less than 5g of fat, contains essential fatty acids like omega-6, is low in sodium, contains 1 g of only carbohydrate, 1 large egg provides 6 grams of protein and is a source of vitamins and minerals. Instead of always eating a scrambled egg in the pan, why not make an omelette with a meal including many varieties of vegetables and ham, a creamy eggs, egg sandwiches, an egg fajita, etc..

The eggs, in addition to being versatile, are also very economical, non-taxable (in Quebec), tasty, creamy, promote weight loss, are very present for physically active people, appreciated by all ...

Fish and Seafood

Reading the Canadian Food Guide, you have perhaps noticed that he strongly recommends a consumption of more than two fish meals a week and here it is important to specify that these fish should not be breaded or fried because all nutritional qualities are somewhat mitigated by the fat and empty calories they contain.

Instead of always eating the same fish, it would be fun to try a new one every month such as trout, herring, pangasius, the sole, pollock, salmon, mackerel, walleye, pike , tuna and so on. They are quick and easy to cook, to go very well with pasta or potatoes and are very versatile, that is to say, they are easily added to soups, sandwiches, salads when you ... "remains".

We believe wrongly that the fish are expensive and costly but if you take the time to do your flyers every week and look carefully and compare the price of fish, you can see how they are affordable. You do not need to eat fresh fish but the fish frozen or canned are healthier and more economical solutions. The major benefits of fish are they low in calories, low in fat, high protein, low in saturated fat, rich in good fats (omega), rich in vitamins and minerals, etc. ...

As for seafood, the myth that food is that seafood is rich in cholesterol and prevents many people still consume these meat alternatives. Yet while it is true that they contain cholesterol do not exaggerate anyway, several common foods in your life are much like cookies, cheeses, meats, ready-to-eat, etc ...

Like fish, seafood (shrimp, scallops, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, lobster) are rich in protein and good fats, are usually low in calories and fat and are good sources of vitamins and minerals .

My Personal Opinion

I would be honest with you, 2 years ago, I ate very little legumes, fish, seafood or eggs and I left too much room in my diet with red meat. However, since I realized all governing disadvantages and dangers of red meat, I started eating more legumes, fish, eggs and poultry, I can tell you that I feel much more fit and better about myself.

I'm not saying it never happens to eat a nice steak on the barbecue in the summer but it is true that since my discovery of fish other than trout and legumes other than beans of my grandmother, if I eat a meal of meat a week is sufficient. Once, during my youth, my parents used to cook red meat at least 4 times a week for dinner and they also came to eat the "leftovers" for dinner, it's not that I do not love red meat but I much prefer to venture into new recipes coming out of my imagination to cook fish, poultry and legumes in many different ways.

For me, cooking is an art but also a way to relax, take time for me to share with my partner and let my creativity and imagination out. Red meat, even though I know very well that we can change it also inspires me somehow less than other meats and / or meat alternatives. Moreover, it is very true that red meat, when consumed in excessive amounts, is harmful not only to health but also the weight unlike other meats.

I am not telling you not to change your diet carnivorous diet overnight, but gradually, by purchasing more of these lean meats and healthy, by finding new revenue and increasing the frequency of consumption of these , you will succeed in reducing your consumption of red meat, increase your intake of legumes, fish, eggs and poultry, which will allow you to age better and live longer and better.

1 commentaire:

  1. Egg are high in calories, fat so consuming it daily may cause risk for heart disease. It may lead to increase in weight. There are various disadvantages of eating eggs on daily basis.
