jeudi 17 mai 2012

Sleep affects how he Fat Loss?

The fact of lack of sleep can cause weight gain? Yes! Many people do not realize the various health implications associated with lack of sleep. It can even hinder your fat loss efforts.

How to sleep (or lack of sleep) does it affect your weight loss efforts?

Here are just several reasons why sleep may be the missing link to your weight loss efforts:

When you're tired, it is even harder to make healthy choices. I'm not sure if it handles more than psychology or physiology or a mixture of both. However, I know, I myself lived. When I pass a good night's sleep, maintain my regular exercise routine and my healthy food is easy. But when I'm sleep deprived, somehow I think that chocolate and sugar will make me feel better. The truth is, it never works! It makes me feel worse! Much worse, because the highs and lows of blood sugar make me even more tired and irritable that before eating sweets.
To spend a little more science. Researchers in several separate studies have found a link between sleep and hormones that influence our eating behavior. Two specific hormones are implicated. Ghrelin is responsible for feelings of hunger. Leptin tells the brain when it is time to stop. When you are sleep deprived, your level of Ghrelin increases with your level of Leptin decreases. The result is an increase in food cravings and a feeling of not being satisfied (a hormone disastrous for the fact of maintaining a healthy diet schedule). Nothing is worse than having food cravings and hunger at a time.
Many people do not know, but your body adjusts itself according to our circadian rhythms and the amount of sunlight outside. Without going too deeply into science, these rhythms and that light tell your body to physically recover approximately 22 h and 02 h to recover mentally and approximately 02 h and 06 h. If you do not go to bed before midnight, you're missing crucial two hours of physical recovery. This can result in all kinds of pains that keep getting worse, no matter what you try. I have seen clients relieve their bad back and aching joints by simply going to bed at 22 pm. I've even seen people become smarter by sleeping up to 06 h (Okay, I made this last statement, but would not it great?). Without joking, I've seen people act more consistently accurate when they are well rested.

How will you get a good night's sleep to make sure you are not sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

Here are some tips for a good night's sleep:

Do not watch TV before going to bed. You may not realize how much information or your favorite TV series makes you excited before the time of going to bed. Instead, take a book or your favorite magazine and read in bed. It works great, especially a good fiction book that helps you forget the events of the day.
Stop caffeine consumption early in the day. Coffee or tea in the afternoon can still be going around in your blood at 22 h. Take your last drink caffeine before noon. This includes all coffee and tea (except herbal teas). Once you've regained your sleep, you will not be as dependent on the dose of caffeine in the afternoon.
Avoid sugar before bedtime. (You avoid sugar anyway, does not it?). Consume sugar just before going to bed take your blood sugar in a rollercoaster, you wake up at night potentially due to low blood sugar.
Put your work aside before going to bed. There is nothing worse than a runaway mind before going to bed. Computationally intensive and do read papers just before going to bed may result in the work of dreams (or nightmares). Complete all work at least two hours before bedtime. If it is not possible for you, you should rethink just your working hours.

I suffered from insomnia for several months and I must admit that this has not helped my weight loss to the contrary. But in addition to affecting our weight and physical appearance, lack of sleep disrupts many aspects of our lives as our moods, our relationships, our concentration, our performance at work, our sexual performance, etc..

As for reasons that make that lack of sleep messes up your efforts to weight loss, think of a day which the night before had been difficult. It seems to me (which happens to me too) when we are tired, we have no motivation to play sport, we say we will resume the following day (something we do not really) and well, for less calories, we are predisposed to gain weight.

Isabel De Los Rios has also mentioned the effects of certain hormones in relation to insomnia and sleep deprivation and weight gain or ghrelin and leptin. If your ghrelin increases and leptin decreases your, it follows by an increased hunger and decreased satiety so you eat more often in larger quantities because it seems that a standard meal as you used to eating is no longer enough.

To get better sleep and sleep well every night quickly, without taking 2 hours to fall asleep, waking up several times during the night or get up too early, I have an article that gives you 25 tips for a good sleep and not be tired constantly. These tips are simple but effective strength to return to good sleep and perhaps at the same time, lose weight more easily.

If ever your sleep problem persists, it would be nice to see a doctor because some people (like I did), even using all possible advice for good sleep, it did not work or at least not always, therefore it is in these moments that we may need therapeutic help to find a normal lifestyle.

Remember to always eat a healthy balanced diet, avoid drinking large quantities of coffee or other caffeine-rich drinks, chocolate or other candy because you will enter a vicious circle. Let's say we sleep poorly one night, the next day, we are tired and to wake us up, we take more coffee than usual. In the afternoon, the vast majority of us feel a power failure so imagine that people who slept badly the night before. They will be more likely to have a coffee to finish their work day. The more they drink or eat foods high in sugars and / or caffeine, the more they will have difficulty sleeping at night.

Pay attention to your sleep is a vital need and this is not without reason because fatigue affects many aspects of our life so take care.

Regardless of the adjustments for you, remember, sleep is perhaps the missing link in your nutrition program, exercise and health. Keep your meals Schedules of the Diet Solution and get to bed at 22 pm every night and you'll be on track of your fat loss success.

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