jeudi 17 mai 2012

What is best for you - the whole eggs or egg whites?

By Mike Geary. Qualified personal trainer, nutrition specialist graduateAuthor of the bestseller: The Truth About Abs
I was hiking one weekend with some friends when one of them was going to prepare breakfast. I came over his shoulder to see what else we could cook and I saw he was about to give us a huge omelette.

I was really surprised when I noticed that he was to separate the whites from the yolks in a bowl, then to throw the yellow. I asked him why the hell he was doing this, and he said ...

"Because I thought that egg yolks were bad for you ... this is where all the bad fats and cholesterol are concentrated."

And I said, "You mean instead is that's where all the nutrients are!"

This is a perfect example of the confusion that some people may have about nutrition. In a world filled with false information, most people think wrongly that egg yolks are the worst part of the egg, when in fact the YELLOW IS THE MOST GOOD!

In rejecting the yolk and eating only the whites basically you throw the richest source of nutrients, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The egg yolk contains many B vitamins, some minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline and other nutrients very beneficial to your health ... it is not necessary to list them all.

In fact, egg whites are almost devoid of nutrients compared to egg yolks.

Even the protein in egg white are not as beneficial if you do not do it with egg yolks, the amino acid balance is essentially satisfied if you eat the yolk of a protein to benefit more assimilated. Not to mention that egg yolks are loaded with livestock Omega-3 fatty acids for good health.

The egg yolk contains 90% calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, B12 and pantothenic acid. In addition, the yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, and ALL essential fatty acids.

Here are the common objections that I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg ...

"But I've heard that egg yolks were skyrocketing cholesterol"

No, this is WRONG!

First, when you eat food that contains high levels of cholesterol such as eggs, your body will handle it by balancing its own production of cholesterol.

On the other hand, if you do not eat enough cholesterol, your body will produce more cholesterol just as he has important functions in the body.

And now it gets even more interesting ...

Many older studies say that eating whole eggs would raise your good HDL cholesterol to a higher level than your LDL cholesterol, increasing your total cholesterol and chemical exchanges in your blood.

Third ... a high cholesterol is NOT a disease! Cardiovascular diseases are the cons. Cholesterol is a substrate VERY important in your body with vital functions important ... this is a big mistake to try to "lower your cholesterol" just because pharmaceutical companies advocate that everyone would be in danger on the planet.

If you are interested specifically in the subject of cholesterol, I have another article at the end of this page on why trying to attack cholesterol is a mistake, and what are the risks factors of REAL.

In addition, the yolk contains lutein, another antioxidant that this can help protect you from inflammation in your body (the real culprit of cardiovascular disease is not cholesterol!), Giving an additional reason for that egg yolks are GOOD, not bad for you.

To bring further evidence that the eggs are better for you than just white, I recently read a study by a University of Connecticut, which shows a group of men who ate three eggs a day for 12 weeks, with reduced proportions of carbohydrates, has developed a higher rate of good cholesterol by 20%, their LDL levels have not moved during the study period. In against part, the group that ate egg whites saw no change and no sudden increase of good cholesterol (remember that higher levels of HDL is related to the reduction of risk of cardiovascular disease).

I hope you are convinced now that the yolks are not harmful to your body ... in fact, instead whole eggs are FAR superior to egg whites.

But what about the excess calories in the egg yolk?

This is actually a false problem and here's why ... although egg yolks contain more calories than the egg whites, they have such a high micronutrient density in their calories than it increases your overall nutrient density for every calorie you consume. It basically helps you regulate your appetite for the rest of the day, so you end up eating less calories overall. Furthermore, the healthy fats in the egg yolks helps maintain a good level of fat-burning hormones in your body.

Overall, this means that the extra fat (healthy fats) and calories from yellow are so nutrient dense that they actually help you burn body fat!

Another thing, the eggs you normally find in your supermarket does not have anything comparable in quality and nutrients to eggs of domestic fowl are fed natural foods. The cheapest eggs will have far fewer nutrients with more omega-6 and less omega-3. In part against eggs from farms bios will be much more natural nutrients and vitamins, minerals, and a much healthier balance of omega-3 and Omega-6.

I recently compared eggs I bought at a supermarket and eggs from a farm where chickens were raised outdoors and fed with natural ingredients.

Most people do not realize that there is a difference because they have never purchased a farm eggs ... The eggs from the supermarket instead of pale yellow with a rather thin and fragile shell. By cons, eggs from a farm have a stiff shell and a rather dark orange yellow indicating the presence of more nutrients and carotene ... actually a much healthier egg in general.

This is due to the fact that hens allowed to roam freely in the open air to nourish a variety of vegetables, insects, worms, etc. and will therefore increase the number MUCH nutrients in eggs from a trapped in an unhealthy chicken factory with horrible conditions and malnourished with lots of pellets corn and soybeans. This is a radical difference in egg quality.

So the next time a health professional and the form tells you that egg whites are higher (because of their phobia of fat), you can quickly ignore his advice knowing that you know THE TRUTH about the yellow egg.

And can we please STOP with the false ideas about the eating an omelet with 4 or 5 egg whites to 1 yolk ... if you really want to get the most benefit for your health, it would be better ALL eating eggs with their yolks.

After all, do you REALLY that our ancestors thousands of years ago threw the yolks and only eat the whites? CERTAINLY NOT! They knew intuitively that all nutrients are found in the yolks. But modern society has been indoctrinated with misinformation about fats and cholesterol.

Another interesting study yet on the eggs ...

I recently read a study that compared groups of people who ate eggs for breakfast against another group that ate cereal and white bread. The study results have shown that those who ate eggs had lost or maintained their body weight, while the grain group / white bread had gained weight.

It was assumed that those who ate eggs ate fewer calories during the rest of the day because their appetite was more satiated compared to cereals / white bread that were more frustrated with lack of sugar and did not easily controlled their appetite.

Oh, one last thing I almost forgot ... Personally, I eat 4 whole eggs almost every day with breakfast, and I maintain a low body fat percentage most of the year.

Enjoy your eggs and be thinner!

I hope this article gave you some useful information about the real causes of cardiovascular disease against the propaganda that has been imposed for years on medical studies dating back 40 to 50 years, and making the drug companies richer than ever .

It must be said formerly, I was like thousands of people desperately trying to lose weight, I did not use the egg whites because I knew they contained very few calories and no fat, unlike the eggs.

However, there are only a few years ago, I realized that egg yolks were just wholesome, nutritious and "slimming". It is true that we find many nutrients (like the ones Mike mentioned) that are healthy for your health, cardiovascular health and your weight. It is true that if you only eat egg whites, where we find the protein, without the egg yolks, the proteins are less available, as a dairy product that is very rich in calcium but does not contain vitamin while D is vitamin D that allows the absorption of this mineral.

That's when I started to eat the egg yolks and I never gained weight because I ate, it is totally absurd in fact account of fears of being for no reason particular.

If you experience the fear of eating the egg yolk because you fear to lose weight, I can give you this little advice myself, I applied a few years ago, that is to say eat 1/2 egg yolk and egg white completely. Thereafter, gradually, you'll realize that you have not made but grow on the contrary, you feel hunger much less rapidly than when you eat the yolk. Gradually, you will eventually eat the whole egg completely without guilt, without increasing your blood cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease and without gaining weight.

Today, start eating egg yolk which is very beneficial for health and weight, in fact, you'll probably find it easier to lose weight or maintain your healthy weight. Stop being afraid with affirmations somewhat distorted. There are so many more foods rich in bad cholesterol that you should be wary that the egg yolk, like salmon, it's good fat and it increases your good cholesterol while there is no health hazard .

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