jeudi 17 mai 2012

10 Foods to Avoid To Lose Belly Faster

There are many foods that we qualify as "slimming" that is to say it promotes weight loss but did you also know that there are foods that are fattening and they are ones you should avoid to eat if you want to lose weight very quickly and reach your desired weight.

In the field of food, which I regret a little bit, is that there are two categories of foods are good foods that make you lose weight and bad foods that are fattening. However, although some foods are bad barred by health experts and food for all, all professionals (or at least the vast majority) are agree that it is not necessary to eat a perfect diet and exemplary.

Foods to avoid that I will quote later have an energy low in nutrients but high in fat, calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar and / or sodium, but this does not prevent you to consume occasionally and in small quantities. Having a healthy diet is not necessarily synonymous with no restriction on endlessly but a varied and balanced diet by eating everything in moderation but regarding the "bad" foods.

The 10 Foods to Avoid Eating to Lose Weight Quickly

1. Pastries

Here, when I talk about pastries, I mean biscuits, muffins, cakes, granola bars, sugar, cream, fudge, cake, chocolat, croissants, homemade breads, pies, tarts , donuts, etc. ....

These foods are highly processed foods, that is to say they are not made of natural and fresh foods but foods that have been transformed to give a new food, like strawberries, which are transformed in strawberry jam for cakes, maple syrup nature is transformed into sugar cream by adding cream 35% fat, etc..

They are very rich in calories, fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sugar, bad carbs and sodium and are low in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, protein, etc..

2. Meals Ready to Eat

Meals ready to eat, whether fresh, frozen or preserved are advantageous time since you can eat them immediately, open your cans and pour or put in microwave for more than they are generally not too expensive.

But despite the healthy appearance of these dishes very advantageous time, meals ready to eat are very high in empty calories, trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugars, fat, nitrites and agents conservation, in short, they did nothing nutritious!

Being rich in this bad thing, they do increase your energy intake that does not help in weight loss. Moreover, they are low in dietary fiber, protein, good carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals so it takes some time before you feel hungry again.

3. Meals and Fast Food Restaurants

You know and I know that the vast majority of dishes in restaurants and all the food in fast food are harmful to your health and weight. They contain huge amounts of oil, fat, sugars, empty calories and devoid of nutrients and healthy. When you think that in a simple fried average there are over 600 calories, the energy equivalent of a complete meal and healthy, it makes more thought. You would eat a chicken kebab, with a green salad (without dressing), brown rice and a potato and you have consumed fewer calories than just fried in a medium.

Click here to Know the Best in Restaurant Menus Health

4. The Sweets and Treats

Although these foods are comforting in itself and they remind us many memories in our childhood, they are not very healthy if not all. As you probably know, sweets and candies (jelly beans, chocolate, caramel, etc. ..) are essentially sugar and gelatin. Beware of candy who advocate that are made with real fruit juice, it does not make the food healthier than other candy instead.

I'm not saying that we must ban the consumption of sweets and treats but should be limited to a candy occasionally rather than daily. Regarding gums, prefer those that are sugar free otherwise you'll end up with multiple dental caries which is equal to a high bill at the dentist.

5. Fried Foods and / or Breaded

Breaded or fried foods, whether fruits, vegetables, some cheeses, meats or other foods are extremely rich in calories, fat, trans fat and sodium, which will not help you lose weight. There is a misconception that it is best to take foods that are fried rather than fried but this is the same thing in my opinion.

While I know and I assume that the breaded and fried foods taste good, they bring all the misdeeds actually take over their good taste. They are literally immersed in a "bath" of oil, grease or shortening so that you understand not only your weight will not accept it but you deny your heart.

6. The Soft Drinks

It's good sometimes to take a glass of soft drink after a meal rather heavy and loaded, it is as if we felt that it helps with digestion but in reality it's a bit the opposite. Soft drinks and standard diets are not nutritious, are very rich in CO2, sugar and sodium, which has the effect of making you grow and gain weight in the stomach very quickly. Your stomach becomes bloated and harder to the touch where the "bellies" of soft drinks that we see especially in men 30 and older.

Surely it is better to take the diet soft drinks to those who are rich in sugars but even so, it would be better not to eat and just drink water instead.

7. The Alcoholic Beverages

A nutritious and adequate consumption of alcoholic beverages, in fact only red wine, is 1 cup per day for women and 1 to 2 glasses of red wine per day for men. Other alcoholic beverages are not as aware of health benefits as red wine, which is very rich in antioxidants, which reduces the risk of premature aging and certain cancers.

In terms of other alcoholic beverages such as beer, spirits, liqueurs, etc. ... they are too rich in empty calories, sugar and alcohol to be health and they are growing very fast your daily energy intake. Always better to aim for moderation tastes better.

8. Meats Oily

There are many meats are strongly discouraged for a standpoint of health but also on the line because they are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium nitrite and calories. This is particularly true of meats (bologna, mock chicken, pepperonni, salami, bacon, dried pork (ears of Christ, etc ...), ribs, ground beef, sausage, skin of poultry, bacon and several other fatty meats.

You can easily see whether meat is fat or lean to the naked eye, if there is a large presence of visible fat (white), do not choose this meat. For the chicken skin is as fat, it is best to remove the skin before cooking or just do not eat it when cooked.

Eat meats that are lean as poultry (without skin), game meat (deer, moose), fish, seafood, eggs, tofu, legumes and lean cuts of red meat as pork hams and less than 2% fat. When cooking the meat, cook in a nonstick skillet on the grill in the oven, wrapped in foil, poached, boiled or steamed.

9. The Body Fat

It is quite "normal" daily use fat to cook our food or to enhance the flavors of our meals. Here, when I say fat, I mean oil, butter, margarine, fat, shortening, animal fat (larc), salad dressings, cream cheese, cream, the sour cream, mayonnaise, etc ... However, as the name suggests so, these fats are high in fat, calories, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium in particular.

According to the dietary recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide, we should limit ourselves to two C.A. tablespoons of fat (preferably olive oil or canola oil rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and saturated fat) every day. However, this is not really a reflection of the vast majority of people. Unfortunately, consuming too much body fat increases your risk of fat or to know the difficulty in losing weight, then you absolutely must stick to these two tablespoons daily and take good fats instead of very fat transformed extremely high in saturated fat (bad fats that increase blood cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease).

For mayonnaise and salad dressings, it is best to make your homemade salad dressings from olive oil extra virgin, lemon juice and fresh herbs or take dressings and fat free mayonnaise.

10. The Fat Cheeses

Generally, according to what we dictate Canada's Food Guide regarding dairy products like cheese, is to consume 2-4 servings every day. The cheeses are generally fat, high in calories, cholesterol and sodium but if you take the time to choose them well, then you could eat without fear of gaining weight.

First, you need to consume cheeses that contain less than 20% fat, skim, reduced fat and / or sodium as is the case of ricotta, mozzarella, cottage cheese and more cheese in soft cheeses.

Avoid those that are flavored, which are in oil, saline or vinegar.

Why these foods make you fat?

Increased Caloric Intake

Because they are high in calories, these foods are growing very fast your daily energy intake which greatly to weight loss. By consuming more calories than your actual energy needs, the excess calories will be stored as fat reserves, which is difficult to lose and at the same time will slow your weight loss process.

Increased storage of fat

By eating more calories than your body really need the extra calories will be stored as fat reserves which will be longer and more difficult to lose than normal. In addition, eating pastries, such as foods listed above, which are high in fat and sugar, it inevitably increases your blood sugar. When your blood sugar rises, your body (pancreas) reacts by secreting insulin to restore blood glucose values ​​in normal, but insulin is a hormone that promotes further fat storage here.

By having a larger amount of fat reserves, he will suffer consequently an increase in body fat and weight gain.

Increased Appetite

Unfortunately, although these foods are rich in fat and sugar, they are poor in nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, these nutrients can very quickly give healthy and long time a feeling of satiety (fullness) thus avoiding you overeat at mealtimes, snacking all day, resist the many temptations of food in short, all elements that only increase your energy intake.

But not having all these benefits of a particular nutrient, you will feel hungry more quickly by eating 3 cookies that have eaten a vegetable dip.

Increased Water Retention

Foods that are high in sodium hinder weight loss because they increase water retention. But our body contains a large amount of water already at the start but if it increases, it seems inevitable on the balance and this can lead to misinterpretations.

Increased Volume Belly

Soft drinks like alcoholic beverages that contain CO2 mean that you can easily see a weight gain in the abdomen, which sometimes becomes round and hard to the touch. This is not necessarily fat, but you took this gas increases the abdominal volume giving the impression of a "beer belly" that appears especially after their thirties.

Also, these drinks are high sugar, increasing your energy intake and fat storage, since a large amount of sugar increases your blood sugar and insulin secretion.

Decreased metabolism Base

Basal metabolism is the amount of energy expended in daily to ensure the proper functioning of vital organs. Several factors greatly influence the metabolic rate as a poor diet. By eating regular foods listed above, your basal metabolic rate decreases so you spend less calories at rest and during exercise in contrast to a person adopting a healthy balanced diet which predisposes to weight gain.

My Personal Opinion

Avoiding as much as possible to eat the 10 foods I just listed, it is certain that you will succeed in losing weight faster than someone who is not much attention to his diet. These foods are not only harmful to your line but also for your health because they are much processed, high in fat, calories, sugar, trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, nitrites, preservatives and sodium.

Instead, you must replace them with fruits and vegetables, lean meats, legumes, fish, fruit juice 100% real fruit, water, teas and herbal teas, olive oil extra virgin and / or canola, good fats, etc. ...

You will lose weight fast enough since you will reduce your energy intake thereby promoting weight loss greatly but also to further increase your chances of losing weight, I strongly suggest you do more than 30 consecutive minutes of sport every day or least 5 times a week. This will increase your energy, increase your metabolism, increase your muscle mass, decrease body fat and simply to be better about yourself and your mind.

Eat and What Not to Eat Easter Not To Enlarge

The snow begins to melt, the buds begin to slowly make out, the spring breeze is felt, the temperature is hot and sunny, the children leave bicycles, parents walk with the family, the maples begin to flow, the shack heated sugar syrup, sugaring is reached, in short, all those old memories and well inked deep within us. All these images, these smells, these new arrivals will inevitably make us think at Easter.

When we think of Easter, which is a Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after his passion, full of childhood memories are back tête.Pâques is a festival that always happens on Sunday, which also marks the end of Lent and lasts for 8 days but unfortunately (in my view), Easter has become much more a commercial holiday that celebrates a religious celebration.

In short, during the Easter season, the festivities are in honor and family meals and buffets are very present. The food is in large amounts, sweets, candies, chocolate and taffy are foods greatly appreciated during this time of year as in adults than in children.

However, people who care about their health, their line, their physical appearance and / or weight feel anxiety variable during this religious festival because they know very well that they will be exposed to many temptations enticing food, but want to eat also want to eat well, to enjoy the moment with the family while putting the odds on their side to lose weight without depriving.

How not to get fat How to Lose Weight or Easter?

Certainly one country to another and even from one region to another, food traditions are different so I want to say that here, food traditions listed are those in Quebec in particular. I know that this time, like at Christmas, although a time of family gathering and celebration, many people are afraid to accept invitations from both sides to not only grow, to continue to lose weight and / or have more control over their diet.

However, in my opinion, this view of life and food is too drastic, even if you want to lose weight, dieting or be in any other process of weight loss, you must yield to the occasion, enjoy all these beautiful moments and just be happy instead of feeling of fear and stress. After all, not eating enough can also make you fat instead of make you lose weight.

Foods to Eat and Eat to Lose Weight is Not

There are certain foods or foods you can eat "will" but here it does not mean to eat as much as you can, as much as your stomach allows, but foods that are healthy, wholesome, nutritious , low in fat and / or sugar and / or calories and help you lose weight. Like any food, it must be consumed in moderation, but they are positively healthy to consume without this make you fat. These are the foods that you should focus on your plate throughout the festive Easter meal.

Here to help you understand, I will refer to traffic lights on the road, green representative "go", yellow means "caution or slow down" and the red meaning "stop, stop."

The green light foods are consumed more in quantity than the food in the amber and red. These are foods that should take


Fruit is another food group very important when someone wants to lose weight or at least not grow as they are low in calories, sugars and fats and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, good carbohydrates, dietary fiber and some good fats (olive and lawyers). You can eat during or after your meal turns out to be the best healthy dessert par excellence. Like vegetables, increasingly, families are susceptible to having a healthy diet, even if they are, try to give more fruit during or after a meal to a dessert not too sweet, refreshing and light. But even if a cake or pie is made with fruit, please, do not think that these foods are healthy so far.

Green light

Fresh fruit (eat the peel, where every fiber is found)
Canned fruit in juice or water
Homemade fruit salad
Stewed fruit homemade or store-no sugar added

Fire Orange

Canned fruits in light syrup
100% fruit juice real fruit
Homemade fruit jam (with little sugar)
Dark Chocolate Covered Fruit

Red light

Candied fruit
Canned fruit in syrup
Fruit jams
Fruit in syrup or caramel (as such)
Fruit in chocolate (preferably dark chocolate is a healthier choice)
Breaded or fried fruit

Cereal Products 100% Whole Grain

Grain products, although they have a poor image and perception of many people who want to lose weight quickly, are very healthy for health and for weight loss because they are rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and good carbs . However, to reap as much profit to be preferred grain products that are 100% whole grains because they contain more dietary fiber, something that will help you lose weight faster. Avoid adding fats (commercial sauces, butter, margarine, oil, sour cream, fat cheese, bacon) or sugar (jam, whipped cream, maple syrup, etc ...) otherwise, these food will make you fat.

Green light

100% grain bread or whole wheat
Pasta 100% whole wheat
Potato (with skin on for more fiber)
Brown rice
House sandwich (egg, ham, chicken, tuna) or 100% whole grain wheat
Breakfast cereal with less than 12 grams of sugars and more than 4g of fiber per serving
Wholemeal flour (whole wheat)
Millet, barley, oats, rye, spelled, etc. ..
Bagels, tortillas, English muffins and pita bread 100% whole wheat or grain
Chewy Granola Bars

Fire Orange

White bread
Potato puree
Potatoes cooked in a pan
White pasta
White rice
Cereals with less than 14 g of sugar and less fiber 4g
Homemade lasagna
Homemade spaghetti
Stew house
Sandwiches houses
Bagel, English muffin, tortillas, pita bread white
Pancakes or waffles
Chinese noodles
Potato salad home

Red light

Stuffed potato (cheese, sour cream, bacon)
Commercial pasta dinners (lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni)
Grains more than 14 grams of sugars and dietary fiber without
Cereals for Children (in the vast majority of the time, very high in sugar and calories)
Commercial granola bars (the vast majority are not healthy)
Potato salad trade

Meat and Alternatives

During the celebration of Easter, the most consumed meat is ham, pies, legumes, eggs, dried bacon and chicken (or turkey). These meats are naturally healthy for health but rather what we do that make sure that in most cases, these dishes become rather unhealthy, low-nutrient, high calorie, fat, trans fat , saturated fat, low in protein, minerals, etc. ...

Green light

Ham to less than 4% fat, lean ham
Ham, baked, roasted, baked in the oven on a grill or stew
The houses sandwiches of ham, egg or chicken (with little mayonnaise, margarine and bread 100% whole grain preferably)
Hard-boiled eggs, boiled, steamed, boiled or cooked in a nonstick skillet with some fat
Lean ground beef or extramaigre
Legumes simmered
Chicken cooked in the oven, on a pin, in the slow cooker (do not eat the skin)
Other lean red meats (roast beef or pork, ham, venison, moose, deer)
Fish (trout, salmon, mackerel, herring, sole, walleye, pike, pollock)
Seafood (shrimp, scallops, prawns, mussels, oysters, etc ...)

Fire Orange

Lean ground meat mid-
Greaves home
Homemade pasta sauces (spaghetti, lasagna with meat)
Filet mignon
Against net-
Pork Chop
Commercial humus

Red light

Ham fat
Breaded or fried meats
Chopped meat standard
Skin of the poultry
Ears "Christ" (dried bacon and fried)

Other Foods

Since there are foods that do not fit into any food group, it is best to list them here because these foods are simply to be avoided because they have a zero energy value, are high in empty calories, fat, sugar, cholesterol, trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, etc..

Maple syrup (syrup, butter, taffy, etc. ...)
Sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup
Pancakes and waffles Trade
Easter chocolate
French fries
Dressings Trade (prefer those light or fat free)
Mayonnaise (preferably those that are lightweight and made with olive oil)
Beer and wine (1 drink for women and 1-2 drinks for men)

My Personal Opinion

I hope that the evidence presented above will help you make healthier choices regardless of season or birthday that you celebrate. I find this so sad to see many people felt a great stress or choose not to attend events as festive, fun and inclusive, for fear of eating, to derogate from their diet, to grow, to be exposed to food temptations, for fear of losing control.

Even if you are concerned about your health, your diet, your online and / or your weight, it must still you continue to have a family and social life, to allow you special treats from time to time , to fully enjoy the present moment with your friends and family members, you stop short of being too hard on yourself.

In the Easter holiday, we think inevitably small chocolate Easter eggs, I would advise you not to eat any chocolate that same day and then restrict you for days, but I would advise you to eat more sparingly occasionally. Thus, you will not waste your gifts, you give yourself small pleasures and will lose weight more easily, otherwise your "rage" of chocolate will always increase and one day you will end up eating two shelves full of chocolate, this which is not much better. You can eat chocolate eggs at Easter without fear of gaining weight, after all, this is not a small coconut that will make you fat.

By eating normally like everyone else but preferring the green light foods on your plate and adding a fun food which you eat in moderation, you will be proud to have seized that moment up and eating relatively quite healthy.

10 Tips to Reduce the Amount of Calories in Every Meal Still Lose Weight Faster

Unfortunately, many people gain weight during the winter because in this temperature, we tend to move less and eat more and sometimes worse somehow. That's when people find themselves with a few extra pounds and simple idea to get on the scales make them very anxious, afraid to see this alarming result.

He noted that winter ends fast and summer is slowly feeling off. When we think of sunny and warm this season, we immediately think of bathing suits, exposure of the body on the beach, with short skirts and sweaters, pants with smaller, etc. .... That's when these people decide to lose weight firmly as soon before the summer, to display a body they deem best.

Even when it's not summer, thousands and thousands of people are doing everything in their power to lose weight as fast as possible, even going so not very drastic and dangerous diets or counting calories constantly.

For the second option I just mentioned, for those who count calories at every meal or even for people who want to lose weight healthier not counting those calories but by reducing the amount consumed regularly, there are fortunately many eating and lifestyle advice to help you reduce your caloric intake by decreasing the number of calories consumed during meals, which contributes strongly to lose weight faster.

How to Reduce the Number of Calories in Every Meal to lose weight faster?

First, you should know that the equation representing the weight loss comes down to caloric intake (food, drink) to lower energy expenditure (sport, training, basal metabolic rate) and for this reason that it is important to reduce their calorie intake while increasing the energy expenditure if you want to lose weight quickly and healthily. Your body will then be in deficit in some way and draw its energy to perform activities of daily life in the fat reserves, resulting in weight loss.

This does not mean you have to start counting your calories at every meal, which I find very annoying and difficult to lose weight, but rather to ensure reduce the calories consumed at every meal with some tips but simple but very effective.

1. Eat More Dietary Fiber

There is clear evidence that dietary fiber will be your allies to lose weight because they can reduce hunger, give a feeling of fullness longer and faster and thereby, reduce the amount of calories ingested.

Dietary fiber is present in many foods and personally, I suggested we eat fiber at the beginning of your meal as this will reduce the calories consumed after the meal because you eat less of other foods on your plate .

You can also eat foods rich in dietary fiber as a snack if you feel hunger, as this will help again to eat fewer calories at lunch because you will have less sensation of hunger, you less likely to snack between meals , to get a smaller plate at meals or avoid going back for more one second plate.

Dietary fiber can not only suppress the appetite but also reduce the rise in blood sugar, which promotes the production of insulin, a hormone that promotes fat storage, so we can say that the fibers reduce the storage fat, which will help you lose weight.

The high fiber foods are cereal products 100% whole grains, fruits and vegetables (mostly concentrated in the skins of these foods), bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. ..

2. Eat Protein at Every Meal

The proteins act similarly to dietary fiber, that is to say they can give a feeling of fullness more quickly and at length, to decrease the amount of calories at each meal because you'll be less tempted to snack, to undergo the temptations and going back for more food or you overeat during meals.

Proteins are found especially in meat and alternatives as well as in dairy products but in smaller quantities. This means that you must eat a serving of meat and alternatives at every meal, a portion equal to 1/4 of your plate or to the size and thickness of your palm. To put even more chances on your side to lose weight, I recommend you eat more fish, tofu, legumes and lean meats unlike most high-fat meats that are high in saturated fat and therefore calories, which will not help you lose weight at all.

Lean meats are pork tenderloin, liver, chicken, turkey, quail and partridge (without skin), roasts, ground meat extramaigres, ham (less than 2% fat), etc. .

3. PICK Meals in a Small Plate

As we used to take large plates at main meals and unconsciously, we tend to fill them, or even to fill to the brim, which will not help you reduce the amount of calories consumed. I suggest you a little something very simple but very effective in reducing the amount of calories in each meal to lose weight fast. Just take a small plate (a dessert plate) and add foods that make up your meals. Thus, you will decrease the amount of food and decreasing the portions added, which will help you tremendously to reduce the daily calories.

4. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and drink that does this at Meals

Water is the best drink when someone wants to lose weight quickly and healthily. In fact, liquid water is a very refreshing, reducing the risk of dehydration, is rich in minerals and provides no calories.

Also, people who drink 6-8 glasses of water per day or 1 to 2 liters of water generally have a lower energy intake to a person drinking some water. I suggest you get started dragging always near a water bottle you busy, whether at work, at home, in the car, in your purse, etc. .... By drinking water often during your day, you find that your appetite will be smaller, which contributes greatly to lose weight because you will have less tendency to snack between meals, to serve you up one second plate or you overeat , reducing thereby the calories.

When you feel hungry between meals, I suggest you take 1 to 2 glasses of water to find out if this hunger is real or fake, if it still exists is that your hunger is real and you need to eat a small snack, if it disappears, is that it was a false hunger, greed. By doing this, you will further reduce your caloric intake.

Also, another bit of advice, drink water regularly before and during your meal (within cons-indications), which will let you know if you should continue to eat because you're still hungry or if you must stop eat because you feel satiety. It is much better to drink water before, during or after a meal as opposed to fruit juices and high sugar soft drinks, high in empty calories and sugars.

5. Be listening to these signals

One reason why people suffer more from weight problems is because they consume too many calories daily in contrast to their actual energy needs.


Because they respect and do not listen to the signals of hunger and satiety qu'envoie our bodies, specifically our brains, then do not listen, they eat as long as they do not feel ready to explode.

However, it is important to listen to if you want to eat fewer calories each day to lose weight. To do this, you must be regularly tuned, taking time to think whether you should stop or continue eating after a few clogged, take a moment of rest between bites to see if you still really hungry, etc..

For this, I suggest you eat slowly (because the brain sends these signals 20 minutes after feeding), ask your fork down between mouthfuls 2-3 by asking yourself the question, drinking water regularly during the meal and stop when you can not feel real hunger. Too many people eat very fast and much, thus increasing their caloric intake and do not take the time to think about if they are still hungry or not.

Try, guaranteed success!

6. Eating Many Fruits and Vegetables

We know how fruits and vegetables are essential to ensure the daily needs for vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, antioxidants and good carbs, in short, according to the dietary recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide, we should eat from May to October servings of fruits and vegetables per day, one at least one fruit / vegetable green and orange.

When preparing your meals or when you must eat out, I strongly suggest you to replace portions of fries, rice or pasta business by raw vegetables, steamed, baked in foil or in a nonstick skillet.

It is known that grain products (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cereal) are more calories than fruits and vegetables, then to decrease your calorie intake to put the odds on your side to lose weight, eat better or replace grain products to fruit and vegetables. However, it is important to specify that you must eat grain products at every meal because they are healthy, but focus primarily fruits and vegetables.

7. Occasionally Buver of Alcoholic Beverages

Although it is good to drink alcoholic beverages from time to time because they accompany a meal so or to reward a hard day's work, they provide a significant amount of empty calories and are generally poor in nutrients, with respect to red wine which is rich in antioxidants.

Although the vast majority of nutritionists agree that a consumption / day for women and 1-2 drinks / day for men's health, it is best to drink on special occasions or just the weekend -end if you are looking to reduce the amount of calories consumed to lose weight fast.

However, it is not because you drink less than before the days when you allow yourself, you need to drink two bottles of wine or eight beers. It should drink moderately and occasionally just to lose weight, because a glass of wine contains more than 110 calories and 140 calories for a beer. You will understand me that the account is done very quickly.

8. Need to Eat Snacks

Many people starve themselves snacks for fear that they grow or do they somehow inhibit weight loss. However, it must be said that snacks cause the opposite effect if they are selected healthy, that is to say, from healthy and nutritious foods.

You need not fear to eat snacks when you feel real hunger, because it will allow you to reduce the calories consumed at the next meal and thus, lose weight faster. In fact, they can provide extra energy, increase mental and physical performance, increase concentration, reduce real hunger, to give a feeling of fullness longer in time, to avoid snacking all day, to avoid overeating at mealtime, etc. ....

For your snack is healthy and full, it must include a source of good carbohydrates and a small source of protein. Examples of healthy snacks:

grapes and cheese (less than 20% of m.g)
apple and walnut
homemade muffin with fruit and nuts
milk and banana
vegetable juice and cottage cheese
yogurt and whole grains

9. Do not add to sauces, butter, oil and salt

When our plates before us, we tend to want our season to taste by adding our pasta sauce, salt on our meat, our salad oil and butter on our bread or potato, for our mayonnaise sandwich, fries with ketchup, mustard with hots dogs, etc.. However, these fats are not only harmful to your health, in the vast majority of cases, but are also very high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, calories, sugars, etc..

This will not help you lose weight then point to what I recommend, is to make sauces, pickles, ketchup and mayonnaise at home, so you can control the amount of added fat and sugar and season your meat, salad and vegetable, prefer fresh herbs or dried.

10. Eat Slowly

I find it so sad to see thousands of families of our time, no longer taking the time to sit down together as a family in the evening for the last meal of the day, for me it's a very privileged moment in this afternoon. As our pace of life is always faster and faster, many people eat on the go or do not take the time to sit down to enjoy this last meal. They eat with lightning speed and thereafter, have abdominal pain as they ate a lot and very quickly, they have not considered their feelings of hunger or satiety.

You should know that the eating slowly promotes weight loss because it was only after 20 minutes of power that our brain sends signals of hunger or satiety, so it was not until this period time you can judge for yourself whether you should continue or stop eating.

To eat slowly, do not read or watch television because you are so focused on things to do than you will not listen to these signals, it is best to verbally exchange with members of your family, put down your fork after 2 to 3 pieces (by asking the question), drinking a glass of water before you start eating, etc. ...

This will greatly help you reduce your calories and lose weight at the same time.

My Personal Opinion

Personally, I apply these tips and advice every day to maintain my weight but also to be better about myself because when we eat too much at mealtimes, you know and I know how much pain we have stomach trouble digesting, digestion problems, ailments etc ... well nothing very pleasant in my opinion.

By using these daily tips, you will put the odds in your favor to lose weight faster, all because they can decrease the amount of calories. I know many people are afraid to follow these recommendations because they are afraid that by eating less, they still feel hunger but instead you will feel much fitter, good about yourself and energy than before, so you will have a greater motivation to move more, something that tempts us much when we ate as "pigs", we feel heavy, flabby and very cowardly to end the evening watching television.

To lose weight, it does not mean you have to drastically change your eating habits overnight, but simply to apply a few tricks free simple and powerful that will be useful throughout your life, not only lose weight but to maintain your weight and your body in hell!

Sport to do more Long Stay Young

Formerly it was rare to see people from 50 to 70 years physically active ways, but these regular habits are changing more and more in our time today. I do not know why, but simply to see people 50 years and older to play sports like cycling, walking, swimming, skiing, running and weight training fills me with joy.

It's like this, finally, these people have understood the importance of physical activity every day, not just to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight but also to be more physically fit, maintain a higher muscle mass , reduce the risk of many diseases and increase life expectancy.

Playing sports daily for at least 30 minutes, not only will you reduce the risk of many diseases, promote weight loss or maintenance of it, but there is evidence that sport is a great elixir of youth that you will provide a more youthful appearance longer.

Making Sport for Having a Younger Appearance over long

It is clearly shown that people who exercise regularly for more than 30 minutes have not only an outward appearance but also a younger appearance inside, what I mean, what these people look younger but they have less disease and the risks are lower in addition to having a clock "organic" or less age. That is to say that inactive people, people with unhealthy diets, if she has 30 years, for example, may have a biological age of 45 years because it does not take care of his body, his health and that the risks of various diseases are increased.

Decreased Stress

It is true to say that the regular practice of sport is a natural and effective anti-stress treatment to relieve the daily stress that 75% of the population lives. If only everyone would do 30 minutes of physical activity per day, I am sure and convinced that the number of physician visits would decrease dramatically because the vast majority of them are due to stress in particular.

Sport can help to reduce stress because when you move, your body releases hormones that allow the two, relaxation, stress reduction, mood stabilization, decreased irritability, more positive moods, promote good sleep, decrease the risk of depression, etc. ... These are the hormones serotonin and endorphins, hormones secreted by your brain that you will reduce your stress.

But stress, as a diet low in antioxidants, accelerates the aging process, promotes the appearance 'early' fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a brief shot of old age. I'm sure you've met someone in your entourage turned 30 but she seems to turn 40 so she's stressed. In addition, people under stress tend to have a lifestyle not very healthy, they smoke, drink alcoholic beverages regularly, do not have a very healthy diet and balanced, sleep little and are not very physically active, that here yet, is aged faster.

Exposure to the Sun

While we all know that the sun is not always good for our skin when a person is constantly exposed, it is still considered healthy when there is a normal and regular exposure from the sun and not the tanning booths. People who are long and often exposed to sunlight generally have drier skin, sensitive and wrinkled people going there regularly but for a shorter time. Moreover, by going to the sun in a controlled manner, you will have a more even complexion and pink, giving a more youthful appearance.

Decrease of Osteoporosis

In short, the sun makes the "production" of vitamin D is a vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium for strong bones and teeth strong and healthy. However, by absorbing more calcium, you will decrease your risk of osteoporosis, a disease musculoskeletal any more or less dangerous depending on the severity of this disease.

Exercise to maintain or increase bone density and here is especially strengthening exercises that allow these health benefits.

Also, when a person has osteoporosis or that it does not absorb or do not consume enough calcium-rich foods, it may possibly have problems with osteoarthritis that distorts and causes pain in kind to the joints as in the hands, which kicks of old age. What I mean is that a person experiencing skeletal and joint problems has a more old.

Weight Loss

We know, food and regular sports are the two main rules for losing weight healthily and permanently without risk and danger. The fact of exercising, moving the minimum 30 consecutive minutes each day can increase your metabolism which will spend more calories while at rest and during exercise, thus increasing your energy expenditure, which helps to lose weight. Moreover, the simple act of moving also increases your energy, which will help you lose weight.

A person with excess weight seems more or less traditionally older physically and biologically, then you will understand that losing weight, it will look more youthful and healthy.

Increase Muscle Mass

Playing sports cardiovascular and / or muscle like walking, running, swimming, weight training, jumping rope, etc. .... you increase your muscle mass. It may take a little longer but it depends on your "genetics" of your workouts (intensity and frequency) and your diet, but an active person every day will see a firming of the thighs, legs, arms, buttocks and belly, which will help you have a more youthful appearance.

As you know, as we age, our body parts (arms, stomach and neck) become less firm and advancing with age, many people find themselves with excess skin under the arms and neck. Let's be honest, it's not very attractive but it is nature that does this, but if you want to reduce the appearance of this or have a firmer younger looking, just simply to strength exercises regularly.

Bad Blood Cholesterol decreased and Blood Pressure

Physicians with patients suffering from high blood cholesterol bad and / or blood pressure higher than normal often recommend these people to engage regularly in physical activity to normalize their results and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as angina and myocardial infarction. There will be no need to use any diet or having to take medication to get there, this way is much more gentle, natural and healthy.

Thus, reducing the risk of these diseases very fatal (main cause of death in America), you will increase your life expectancy and living longer in greater health.

Decrease in Respiratory

Increasingly, many people with allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sleep apnea and other breathing problems. But in doing physical activities on a regular basis, you breathe better, great inspirations and expirations, especially if you are doing cardiovascular sports such as running, hiking, biking and swimming. In short, playing sports mostly cardiovascular, improve your cardio endurance and breathing, which reduces the risk of respiratory and other illnesses.

Moreover, often while playing sports like aerobic exercise, you increase your lung capacity (input and output oxygen waste) which ensures that you are less and less out of breath while exercising.

Decrease Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a disease very scary these days even if the scientific and medical advances continue to improve, people with cancer diagnosis in virtually all think the same thing, death. However, being active every day for more than 30 minutes, you will help reduce the risk of many cancers such as breast, prostate, uterus, lung and colorectal.

Increase in Life Expectancy

Since sport is experiencing many benefits on mental and physical health, it is certain that this active lifestyle will increase your life expectancy since the risks of many diseases and health problems are reduced. A study that lasted 17 years has shown that physically active every day or more than 6 times a month lived 43% longer time than sedentary people. Even as this study showed a greater mortality rate in men and thin women but unlike women and sedentary men with mild overweight but active, not worrying?

My Personal Opinion

Personally, I train 4-6 times a week because I love the mental and physical benefits that give me the practice of sports such as relaxation, well-being in her skin, a better image and self confidence, maintaining a or weight loss, improved muscle endurance and cardio-respiratory, etc. ....

It is true that sports practice is often a method very powerful anti-aging and not only physically but also physiologically because you have an outstanding health and very powerful. You are sick less often and your life expectancy is increased, what could be better is not it?